
We operate two combined heat and power units (CHPUs). These are used to generate electrical energy and heat.

This is very worthwhile due to our large heat consumption resulting from heating, service water and water for showering in the hotel kitchen, restaurant and 50 room units. We consume our self-produced electricity ourselves, in addition to which we can also export electricity into the grid for other households to use.

Combined Heat And Power Units

Hotel Fürstenhof BHKW

A CHPU emits 50% less CO2 than conventional separate generation of electricity and heat. Every CHPU operator helps to save the environment many tons of CO2 – every year!

LEDs – Mixer Nozzles

The use of LEDs and energy-saving lamps as well as mixing nozzles on water taps and shower heads are further examples of sustainability.

Hotel Fürstenhof LED Deckenbeleuchtung
Hotel Fürstenhof Spardüsen Wasserhahn